"Without this lady, I don't think I would still be riding today" Teresa H.

If you're looking for the best instructor and some lovely ladies to ride with try one of these training days with Sue Franks. A heap of fun and lots of new and creative ways to learn a new sport. highly recommend giving it a go!
Janine D
Sue is an inspirational mentor and motivational trainer. She keeps me going!
Janet M
We have turned a corner thanks to you, Sue. My goals may only be small compared to others but every time I reach one with you, I'm the happiest horsey girl in town!
Sally J
I LOVED our session this morning. You are an inspiration to us all!
Teresa H
My horse Zeki and I have a long way to go but we love our journey and lessons with you, Sue.
Nicki W
My horse and I are slowly growing in the right direction. Thank you Sue for your never ending patience and faith in me that 'I can do it!'
Naomi S
Sue not only coaches but explains the movements and the 'why', the bio-mechanics behind what you are learning. Knowing 'why' cements your knowledge to a greater understanding. Sue teaches in a way to suit any ability and will structure lessons to your particular requirements. Her fun, confidence building lessons set you up to really learn the basics solidly and put you on the path of making a true connection with your horse.
Janine D.
I came to Sue as a green rider with a long list of issues from my past riding experiences. With Sue’s guidance, support and knowledge she has taken me from a nervous uptight rider not knowing what collection was to now being confident within myself, confident with my riding and provided me multiple horsemanship skills that I can apply to any horse.
With Sue you don’t only get a riding instructor, you get a motivator, a supporter & an uplifter. Sue genuinely wants to see each of her students be the best riders they can be. Her passion for teaching and horses has given her an amazing ability to know how far to push both the rider and horse to achieve results. I believe her involvement in the vast variety of equine sports has given her a wealth of knowledge that I know I will be forever thankful to be taught. I can honestly say without Sue I would not be the rider I am today and certainly wouldn’t be actively competing.
Erica W.
So much respect and confidence in her clients... awesome instructor!!
Sue, I cannot thank you enough for your time and talent in making us better riders. I feel I have achieved so much this weekend and am really improving. Your horsemanship clinics ROCK.