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My clinics fill up very quickly but I do have waiting lists for any cancellations, so please contact me if you are interested in coming along. To enquire about joining us at one of this month's events, please call me on 0403 008 390 or send me an email by clicking here. When attending clinics please fill in the following waiver.
Upcoming Events
- Sat, 27 AprCaboolture Showgrounds
- Sat, 09 Dec99 Pierce Ave
- Sat, 13 MayCaboolture Showgrounds
- Sat, 25 FebCaboolture Showgrounds
- Sat, 21 JanCaboolture Showgrounds
- Sat, 10 DecCaboolture Showgrounds
- Fri, 25 NovScrub Creek Road
- Sat, 05 NovBurpengary Equestrian Centre
- Sat, 15 OctCaboolture Showgrounds
- Sat, 24 SeptCaloundra Equestrian Association Inc
- Sat, 17 SeptMaleny Showgrounds
- Sat, 10 SeptCaboolture Showgrounds
- Sat, 13 AugCaboolture Showgrounds
- Sat, 23 July27 Roche Rd
- Sat, 02 JulyCaboolture Showgrounds
- Sat, 12 Mar13 Maleny Stanley River Rd
- Sat, 19 FebRiver Downs Equestrian Centre and Warmbl
- Sat, 12 FebCaboolture Showgrounds
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